Bulk fat, organ meat, & more

Using as many parts of the animal as feasible is very important to us.  Not only does it provide extra revenue but also it better honors the lives of the creatures we raise here at Blue Dirt Farm.

We love connecting with people who are out there providing valuable goods and services to others!  Whether you make soap & skin care products, provide raw and/or animal-based pet foods, or anything else that utilizes products less commonly sought after, we want to connect with you!

Here's a sampling of what's available:

  • Raw pork fat (10 lb. packages)
  • Pig heads
  • Pork liver
  • Pork organs (kidneys, spleen, heart)
  • Neck bones
  • Beef liver
  • More beef products coming soon!
  • Turkey feet (seasonal)

Please use the form to get in contact for special pricing or give us your requests if there's something we're not currently utilizing.  It's helpful to share how much of each product you're seeking and how often you'd take it.  Occasionally we'll have items free for pickup and we'll always do our best to settle on pricing that works for both of us.