This feature is being developed!

Here's how it works:

  1. Sign up using the account you've created along with credit card information and we'll set up an easy automatic monthly payment. No additional fees or unknown costs! We'll adjust the quantity of finished product, adding product if your portion is smaller than average.
  2. Choose a basic processing option for your whole or half hog that reflects your preferences.
  3. Choose a delivery month. We'll get in contact and arrange a meet-up near your neighborhood or deliver to your home.
  4. Enjoy superior quality pork while supporting regenerative agriculture that heals the land!

We know that with a family time, attention, and energy are incredibly valuable resources! Subscriptions are great way to ensure that you won't have to worry about getting high quality food for your family.

Get in contact by putting "subscription" in the subject line below along with any questions and you could be one of the first ones to try out this service.
